Here would be discussed the real facts and characteristics of whole wheat bread, milk, sugar, vegetable oil. What these can do to your body cells. Here also would be discovered why it is not your fault you have struggled to lose your belly fat.
People commonly say that sugar, wheat and gluten are terrible but ever try to know what these can do inside the body.
Most of people do not know the facts and reasons, it can not only destroy hormones and metabolism but can also cause heart disease.
Plant based food is proven to cause heart attacks! Eat at least once in a week. what to understand to eat that more boosts your metabolism, balancing hormones, prevents heart attacks and assuring you that never get heart disease.
There are three reasons to get far away from eating wheat—even “whole wheat”
Reason # 1
Wheat always cause s blood sugar disruption, glycation of cells, increases aging weight gain & boosts diabetes risk.
It is tested that wheat based foods spike blood sugar higher that even pure table sugar. The ratio of increasing blood sugar by consumption wheat vs oatmeal with equivalent grams of carbohydrates and same duration of consuming is below:
After consumption slices of wheat toast is “44%”
After consumption a bowl of oatmeal is “23%”
As you see the ratio of consumption wheat based food resulted in higher blood sugar which makes you age faster and make to you older than aged. Most people eat wheat in many different ways like toast, bread and etc without thinking its worst role for blood sugar. These massive blood sugar which exist from eating wheat daily also can damage your blood sugar regulation system, pancreas interrupted and can cause many other diseases about heart attacks.
Reason # 2
Risks of gluten and gut damaging compounds.
There are many health risks regarding “gluten” it is fact that if you are not officially “gluten intolerant and sensitive” in this case there are many studies and experts indicate that gluten can cause the inflammation in digestive system, permeability in gut. The reason of causing problems in digestive system is excessive hybridization of wheat over the last 50 years, these wheat has created newly modified gluten molecules.
Reason # 3
Antinutrients and mineral blockers just in wheat.
It means the wheat is more terrible and not suitable for health if it contains “antinutrients”, naturally occurring compounds of wheat plant, but can be more worse for human health. These antinutrients also block and interrupt the absorption in body of certain minerals like zinc, iron, manganese and calcium due to eating wheat often.
Many people think as healthy about fiber in wheat? But they do not know more fiber they can get from fruits, veggies and nuts without the any interruption in digestive system and massive blood sugar caused due to wheat.
“There are some more important ways and secrets to get away from eating wheat, and how to boost your metabolism, balance hormones, fight diabetes and other diseases and also guide to reduce belly fat. Never think as "boring" about eating healthy.
Most people want to know about vegetable oil, actually oils are the combination of corn, soybean, canola, safflower or cottonseed, which are all absolutely terrible for human health. That’s downright deadly and fatal, why…
---Vegetable oil that contain deadly trans fat---
As known from the name above, in fact trans fat are deadly, that can kill human and damage cell membranes in body having all sort of health problems like deadly diseases.
Nobody interested to have foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. All vegetable oils are refined and contain some trans fat because in oil refining process high heat, solvents, and pressure needed to make vegetable oil as well.
---Vegetable oil contain oxidized---
If vegetable oil contain above then that are more worse than trans fat and cause heart attacks. This oil become from refining process and chemical reaction with the polyunsaturated fat content.
---Vegetable oil cause massive imbalance in fats ratio---
From all reason found one of the major reason that vegetable oils are deadly for you. The healthiest ratio by expert professors and doctors are of 2:1 or even 1:1 for omega-6 to omega-3 ratio.
Some solutions are available to get far away from the major problems of vegetable oils.
Use healthy oils like coconut, olive, macadamia, avocado oils and grass-fed butter, all of these oils are healthier more than vegetable oils and don’t cause any fatal disease.
Now here going to show you that eating a healthy diet that promotes fat loss and prevention of terrible diseases. This is true, if you choose the right food and know about its reaction with your body. This is of a specific way where you automatically attain right calorie level.
To resolve all the fat loss problems discussed in above a “product” to be introduced in which page by page solutions and full guidance are available and all food selection program get together and compile then keep in front of you. This product can make your body a Fat Burning Machine.