Vitamin d deficiency. vitamin d foods. Foods with highest calcium

The strong body just needs the strong bones and the good growing bones must need vitamin D and calcium these two nutrition must necessary for becoming healthy take far of weakness and diseases that affect early to the weak body due to weak bones, the human skeleton structure created by Allah Almighty that consists of all human power and immune system and to cover up all of its necessities the Nature given us some great and divine gifts that full of vitamin D and calcium.

There are being discussed all nutrition and plain foods that really rich and full of vitamin D and calcium Naturally that are the best for strengthen bones, if adopted regularly will definitely take far of diseases and implement the lack of vitamin D and calcium because these vitamin and calcium play a vital role for strong bones. In order to hold the body together and support mobility, bones operate in conjunction with muscles and joints. The musculoskeletal system is what we refer to as. Calcium and vitamin D have been the main topics of much research up to this point. Other minerals are also significant for bone health, but calcium and vitamin D are essential.

It is a fact that bones getting weakness with increasing age that cause low in immune system, early tired, pain in body, low stamina etc. these all problems exist due to vitamin and calcium only discovered by experienced doctors and specialists just realize how much necessary these Natural foods for perfect and strong body.

The bones get weakness due to some miss use of processed foods outsides as restaurants, low quality oil, lack of vegetables, mixed milk, cold drinks, tea and coffee, smoking and nothing use of dairy and not to be cared about having foods on time, for having strong bones must have to quit these careless consumptions.

There are 5 plain foods are being described that are really most beneficial for bones and improve vitamin D and calcium which enable and more strengthen the bones that are created by Allah Almighty and found by the specialists if followed in daily life so hope the bones  will note be weak early and live long.

1.   Milk

Milk is a fundamental meal and best nutrition for bones in any age provides calcium to strengthen bones, joints, muscles and cover up all deficiency of calcium where needed in body, specially rich for vitamin D, calcium and potassium. Milk is not only provides liquid drink nutrition but also provides energy of best food nutrients naturally. Milk daily consumption is recommended by many nutritional guidelines for requirements calcium, Low- or non-fat dairy products – Skim or 1% milk offers a lot less saturated fat but the same amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals as whole milk. Generally speaking, this kind of milk is better for your heart than full-fat milk. It has good nutritional value for diabetics as it contains essential components for a balanced diet. Diabetes sufferers may need to restrict their use of flavor-sweetened milk. Depending on their preferences or their calorie and nutrition objectives, diabetics with milk products that are full fat, whole, reduced fat, or fat free may prefer to use them.

Milk provide following per 100gm;





·      Calcium

120 mg

100 mg

170 mg

·      Vitamin D

124 IU (P/250ml)

40 IU (P/Ltr)


·      Energy

275 kJ

253 kJ

396 kJ

·      Water

87.8 g

88.9 g

83.0 g

·      Fat

3.9 g

3.5 g

6.0 g

·      Protein

3.2 g

3.1 g

5.4 g

·      Cholesterol

14 mg

10 mg

11 mg

A fantastic source of calcium is milk, lowers obesity risk, help maintain the health of teeth. Milk has hair hydrating properties. Milk can fight diseases and depression. Milk can help prevent heartburn and help skin glow. Milk promotes muscle growth, maintains bone density, and contains B vitamins.

2.   Leafy Vegetables

Leafy greens are rich in numerous standard plant nutrients. Leafy vegetable are very rich in providing vitamin D and calcium. Popular leafy greens like spinach are simple to include in a wide range of recipes, including soups, sauces, smoothies, and salads. Salad greens consumed fresh in a salad made with ease and eaten interesting. Green leafy vegetables may decrease cognitive loss as people age, possibly as a result of the neuroprotective properties of lutein, folate, -carotene, and phylloquinone. One easy strategy to support brain health may be to increase one's intake of green leafy vegetables on a daily basis. Leafy greens are among the foods that are the most nutrient-dense because they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. They have very low levels of carbs, salt, and cholesterol and are rich in fibre, iron, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

some examples of vegetables that are high in protein like lima beans, bean sprouts, green peas, brussels sprouts, spinach, sweet corn, mushrooms, asparagus, artichokes, and broccoli. Spinach, sweet potatoes, peas, broccoli, string beans, beet greens, dandelion greens, collards are high in iron. Green vegetables are great sources of highly absorbable calcium including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, kale, mustard greens.

3.   Fish

According to current study, eating fish frequently may protect tiny blood arteries in the brain against subtle damage that might result in mild cognitive impairment, dementia, or stroke. The study, which was published in Neurology in November 2021, adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that seafood may promote brain function. Suitable food sources of vitamin D.

One of the best dietary sources of vitamin D is fish and fish products. The largest concentrations are seen in fatty fish like salmon and herring. Four ounces (113 gm) of cooked salmon provides almost 100% of the daily recommended allowance of vitamin D. Fish's fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals can have a big impact on your health. Salmon, mackerel, and herring are good sources of fat for maintaining healthy skin.

Fish provide following per 100gm;


White Fish

Oily Fish

·         Energy

111 kcal

203 kcal

·         Protein

23 g

23 g

·         Fat

1 g

12 g

·         Cholesterol

86 mg

77 mg

·         Vitamin B-12

4 μg

13 μg

·         Calcium

33 mg


·         Vitamin D

3.4μg (23%)

193 UI (24% DV)

Regular use of fish and better consumption can lower the risk of developing autoimmune conditions like diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Fish is easily available for so many essential nutrients that can help keep the body in a healthy balance and fend against a wide range of serious illnesses.

4.   Cheese

Calcium, a vital component for strong bones and teeth, blood coagulation, wound healing, and maintaining normal blood pressure, is present in cheese in adequate amounts. Cheese has 30% calcium in one and half ounce that is quite enough for one day need.

Dairy products are a terrific method to help build strong bones, which is a great approach to help avoid osteoporosis. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, and other dairy products all have the calcium and vitamin D bones need to become stronger. The Parmesan cheese is a "functional food" for maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis due to the high biological value protein and highly bioavailable calcium it contains. Hard cheeses typically have the highest calcium content because they contain less water.

Cheese provide following per 100gm;

·      Vitamin D

24 IU

·      Fat

33 gm

·      Calcium

721 mg

·      Protein

25 gm

·      Calories


·      Cholesterol

105 mg

Cheese can Improve dental health, prevent osteoporosis, and prevent bone Loss, consuming cheese can assist in gaining weight in a healthy manner, the best dietary source of calcium is cheese, fantastic protein source and is rich in Vitamin B12.

5.   Spinach

Spinach is a very healthy vegetable that is extremely rich in fiber, iron and vitamin A and also provide 25% of calcium to bones, from the damaging effects of sunlight, reduce oxidative stress, enhance bones health, lower blood pressure, and prevent cancer and heart disease. More often than not, baking recipes call for spinach, which is excellent either way. Lutein, Kaempferol, Nitrates, Quercetin, and Zeaxanthin are substances found in spinach that help to protect against the impacts of disease. The use of spinach at least once in a week is quite better for bones.

Spinach provide following per 100gm;

·           Calcium


·      Iron

2.71 mg

·           Protein

2.9 g

·      Calories


·           Carbohydrates

3.6 g

·      Energy

97 kJ

Benefits of healthy bones

Bones give the body stability and enable strength full movement. They shield your heart, brain, and other internal organs from harm. A living, developing tissue is bone. Collagen, a protein that provides a soft structure, and calcium, a mineral that gives strength and hardness, make up the majority of its composition.

Bones support your muscles and shield your interior organs. Ability to engage in social activities like sportsmanship, more working capability etc. is supported by strong bones. No matter how worn out body may be, having strong bones helps to get through tough workdays.

It protects organs, generates blood cells, gives the body its structure, enables mobility, and stores minerals. A balanced diet is vital for maintaining bone health throughout life, according to research. It might help maintain or grow bone mass depending on the age. Consuming cartilage, which is both sturdy and somewhat flexible, the ribs are attached to the sternum. The rib cage helps shield the chest's internal organs, including the heart and lungs from harm.

Conclusion of improving in bones 

Bones support bodies and contribute to shape. Bones are strong enough to support full weight despite being relatively light. The skull shapes the face and safeguards the brain. Hoping, skipping, jumping rope, jogging, gymnastics, lifting weights, volleyball, tennis, and basketball are a few examples of exercises that build bones. Physical exercises that build muscles increase skeletal muscular strength, power, endurance, and mass. Body's structure and form are provided by bones. To assist in moving, they cooperate with muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues.

When someone has osteoporosis, the following injuries are most typical: sprained wrist. Bone has the innate ability to regenerate as part of the healing process following damage, as well as during the formation of the skeleton or ongoing remodeling throughout adulthood.

Long bones support weight and make movement easier. Flat bones protect internal organs. Short bones have a cube-like form. The Shapes of Irregular Bones Are Complex. Tendons are reinforced by sesamoid bones. Having healthy bones can lessen the chance of suffering an osteoporotic fracture. After the age of 40 bones mass are steadily lost at a rate of 1% per year due to a confluence of aging-related changes, inactivity and poor diet.

 In addition to keeping you safe and healthy as you age, building and strengthening your muscle mass will also help you lose weight, maintain your weight, and feel better about your body. Strength exercise is best for maintaining good bone health because it increases body muscular mass and strength.


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