Vegan and Vegetarian foods vegetarian foods near me Vegetarian diet plan

How to become a vegetarian?

There are many ways for becoming a vegetarian. Some people adopt the vegetarianism to improve their health whose consider the vegetables as healthy eating and expect that the elimination of meat would result to become a good vegetarian. Here are being described the three main big ways for becoming a good vegetarian:

    1)  Guides for becoming vegetarian

Must have good reasons

First you have to find out the reasons for going into vegetarianism by which you neither change your lifestyle and nor maintain your diet. There may be many reasons for it because of that the people who love to become vegetarians explain the answer of the question “why vegetarian is best?” some reasons are in answer the “treatment of animal on factory farms”, “environmental concerns”, ”health needs”, “religious convictions”, “outside pre-made meat ingredients foods” and “any of these combination”.

Explain your choice

You must have to reveal & explain the choice which you have decided to take foods in your daily life to the people who are much closed to you like family members, friends, partner etc. If everyone your closed people strongly aware about your dietary plan or vegetarianism decision it will be more beneficial & quite better for you because they all will be hopeful y likely to be supportive. Sometimes invite or offer to make the vegetarian dishes for family & friends because this is the best advertisement and revealing the choice for vegetarianism.

2.          2) Eating Vegetarian

Find vegetarian recipes

There are many resources of getting data about vegetarianism and all kinds of vegetable recipes in this online fast era. You can find online many recipes about vegetarianism which you have never seen & thought before. Just follow the internet searching or any other cookbook full of vegetarian recipes if availability is there, in this regard my own blog have many vegetarian recipes for you here.  

Start shopping like a vegetarian

When the progress of searching recipes progress would be complete then start making the vegetarian dishes for which you may have to go to the market to haul a necessary & needy quantity of different vegetables for fulfilling your desired recipes so that you can enjoy the different tastes of vegetarian dishes and your own desired vegetarian meal.   

Read more carefully

Here careful reading means when you are on outside in the market for purchasing items for your making vegetarian meal then must keep in mind which ingredients in foods to avoid and always remember them for next purchasing. Always read on the label of any item you are going to buy that weather this is free of any anti vegetarian ingredients or not.

Research your nutritional needs

 Keep researching best quality foods that contain vitamin B12, calcium, protein and minerals for balancing health but mostly these vitamins primarily come from meat. Being a good vegetarian you must know that from where you can get protein and energy. By the grace of God many plant foods contain all of these vitamins for human health.

Eat seasonally

This is a great positive effect to health on eating everything on their seasons. The vegetables and fruits come in season with all of its fresh vitamins because all vegetables and fruits have a short but very fresher quality period for its consumers. So the eating of plant based foods in seasons would result in the body full of all vitamins.

3.             3)    Quit or Reducing Meat Cravings:

Slow and gradual change

This is not possible for a new vegetarian giving up meat entirely at once. This is a fact that a person who eat meat mostly and a sudden change comes in his food plan that would be totally anti meat foods this is really difficult. So the easy way that step by step strategy adopt to quit meat from his foods such as eliminating chicken & fish first then a red meat & beef after a week and so on. In the end the stage will be reveal as pure vegetarian. 

Eat enough foods

 If you realize that you aren’t getting enough foods, you might start craving meat. You must have protein in you eating. And also some calorie foods are necessary for health. If you want to gain weight so take a wide variety of legumes, nuts and seeds for enough calorie and healthy fats.

Vegan and Vegetarian foods vegetarian foods near me Vegetarian diet plan

       o  Tips for enhancing vegetarianism interest:

One new recipe in a week

For being a recent vegetarian just try one vegetarian recipe in a week which you like before and keep it in your most useful list. Next week add another recipe in your list after a month you will be using four different vegetarian recipes and a time will come you love to cook & eat more vegetarian recipes yourself and such as you will be pure & successful vegetarian after few months.


There are some substitutions available for vegetarians called meatless substitute, if it is being difficult to you the sudden giving up meat items so don’t worry there are many alternatives available for you that are normally be adopted and you can eat but meatless. These alternatives & substitutions can take you to the way of successful vegetarians.

Start with red meat

No one can give up all meat at once and that is also no need to do it. You must follow the gradual changing process in your food plans, take one vegetarian meal in one time a day for some days and exceed the time for vegetarian meal after some days and so on, if you get success to do it so first give up red meat at all, which is suggested by the experts.

Other meats

After getting full success of giving up red meat then step ahead and make a goal to achieve for giving up pork, chicken and seafood (you can make it for long time even months), if you achieve this goal you will have been cut out all the items related to any kind of meat after some weeks, this will be your success point to become a vegetarian.

Consider dairy & eggs

There is no need to give up dairy & eggs if you are giving up meat, but what do you think about it because it is known and we all have realized in many studies that dairy & eggs have high “saturated fat” that is fact. There are many soy alternatives you can take a few days to get used to. Consider these foods (dairy & eggs) for only helping environment and animal suffering.

Away from junk foods

The prevention of junk foods is quite necessary for good health because these foods is made from low quality ingredients that directly effect to the health although getting vegetarian recipes at home, the symptoms of junk foods are surrounding in the body therefore the gains of vegetables cannot be absorbed perfectly.

Try new fruits & veggies

Just not to be depended upon your own favorite fruits and vegetables that is not a good sign for good health, every kind of fruits and vegetables should to try time to time. The seasonal new fruits and vegetable should to try in every day or week recipe that full of vitamins and get more strengthen to the body because its early natural growing is quite powerful that raise more and quick body requirements.

Vegetarian snacks

Just get the vegetarian snacks for taking the variety in your vegetarian recipes this is the way of getting more vegetarian in the recipes because it is at side recipes of your daily recipes. The snacks can take the body requirements towards the more vegetable due to its varieties.

Vegetarian restaurants

Some restaurants giving readymade healthy vegetarian foods that may be realized and known as better for health about their ingredients that they used in their recipes can be adopted for saving the time at home for making the same recipes because the restaurants have the ingredients and recipes that quite difficult to gather at home.

Vegetarian convenience foods

Convenience foods also called tertiary processed foods such food is usually ready to eat without further preparation having a long shelf life and easily portable. Convenience foods include ready-to-eat dry products, vegetarian frozen foods such as TV dinnersshelf-stable vegetarian foods, prepared mixes such as snack foods.

Take cooking class

By taking classes the mind generates the ideas about how to make different recipes with the same varieties of vegetables the vegetarian dishes can be enjoyed in the different tastes that is another way of enhancing vegetarian interests.

Soup & juice

The vegetable soup is most likely to people because it has multiple vitamins in one combination. In cold weather the vegetable soup trend exceeds in houses, restaurants etc. Also some vegetables have its unique taste & recognized as better healthier in being juices that are really very healthy.   

Enjoy in seasons

God has created many natural & season wise plant-based ingredients like fruits & vegetables for human grown up. The vegetarians can extremely and confidently avail & enjoy these natural ingredients if they really got in vegetarianism because only such a vegetarian knows the real worth about the God gifted natural ingredients.

Early cook

Any one has no more time to cook but wants the quick result with no matter preparing any recipe, In this regard vegetarian dishes are only most likely dishes that could be made very early & easily than meat dishes and which is the quite reasonable for vegetarians. Cooking time should be less with more output in healthy results.

Free from cholesterol

 If it is realized that the vegetarian diets is free from cholesterol but have many others vitamins so why not people adopt vegetarian diets, because cholesterol is one of the big founder of diseases. Vegetarian diets have less protein but have also less cholesterol. Check your cholesterol after six months of getting vegetarian surely you will be amazed.

o       Why become vegetarian? (Benefits of becoming vegetarian)

Cutting of fats

The fat is a great anti of vegetables & cause majority of diseases, that is why vegetarians tend to have a lower risk of many kinds of diseases which reasons are the vegetables are not only lower in fat but also have some good fats. Indeed meat has a lot of protein but has a ton of fat (saturated fat). Therefore the more consumption of vegetarian diets resulted to cutting out that bad fat. This is also a naturally thought that fat is not likely to people.

Saving from heart diseases

The chances of diseases like “heart disease, cancer & stokes” is minimized & much lower by taking in nutrition “vegetarian diets” because vegetarian diets have low cholesterol and saturated fat, while have higher intake of plant based foods and nutrients. But the “meat-based diets” maximize the chances for heart diseases. Vegetarians have been shown the low risk of dying of heart diseases than non-vegetarians. So the vegetarian diets always save & protect the people from any kind of heart diseases.

Looking fresh & smart without oily skin

 By using of vegetarian diets your stomach is very beyond of absorption of oils and free of having in itself any material for long period like the meats because the plant based nutrition has no cholesterol and fat, therefore the moistures and oils does not exist in body, because of that your face looks as fresh and smart.

Less food poisoning

Actually food poison exists & attacks to people of getting more amount of consuming meat, quieting out of meat you will must be lower your risk of food poisoning, you may also cut out the eggs & dairy but these are optional. So the vegetarian diets have low risk of food poison.

Betterment of environment

Due to the waste of meat industries the environment got very harmful because the air pollution of waste material is very dangerous for human causing several fatal diseases. Mosquitoes spread fever which born from these waste. Eating meat is a great contributor to take the environment in serious problems, while the waste of vegetable has not more pollution.

Reducing of weight

 The overweight is very dangerous for life it includes the heart diseases, stroke and diabetes. The processed foods, low in plant based foods, complex carbohydrates are making us fat and killing us slowly. If we follow the low-fat vegetarian diets surely we will overcome and lost our fat an average of most pounds of weight in very short time, because the vegetarians tend to have lower body mass due to consumption of diet that is higher in fiber-rich and low energy foods such as vegetables & fruits.  So the vegetable & fruits is a great tool of reducing fats.

Perfect & early digestive system

The vegetarian diet is more and highly helping tool for making our digestive system as powerful with comparison of meat, processed foods and low in plant based foods. Vegetables are more digest able while the meat have approx. 60 hours to be digested that is why stomach disturbs but for vegetarian stomach remains fresh and powerful that save from stomach diseases.

Building strong bones

The bones or skeleton of a body is a main fundamental strength to which we have to maintain as perfect to keep away from any type of weakness. The calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin-D is most necessary for bones the dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, lactose-free milk are the sources of providing these vitamins. But the vegetables are the great sources have most healthful calcium for body like tofu, soymilk, beans, broccoli etc.  

Saving money

The items for making recipes & dishes of vegetables are in very low prices some people like vegetables for saving the amount of money. The vegetables dishes are very co-operative in budgeting system because many people also make budgets with their nutrition plan which is very necessary.

Longevity of life

 For surviving long life the vegetables are very necessary because vegetables have low calories and carbohydrates. The easy example is that the Japanese and Okinawa’s people have long lives because they much like the vegetables in their nutrition.

Nutrition for more energy

Good nutrition help to generate more energy, definitely there is no energetic food except plant based natural veggie foods, low cholesterol foods and animal products. The experienced and practitioners recommended the vegetarian diets to keep the body fully energetic from all kinds of vitamins. Good nutrition exist good health & energy.  

o  Types of vegetarians

The vegetarians are divided into several types if you want to become a real and strict vegetarian you can adopt any one of the following types of vegetarian because these are all treat in vegetarianism:

·        Vegan: The vegan is a type of vegetarian you can call it as “pure vegetarian” beyond of any kind of consuming animal products, red or white meat, fish or fowl, eggs & dairy products, honey & beeswax and any other animal by product ingredients. In simple words “a person who does not eat foods that comes from animals” such as leather, silk, wool as well.

·        Lacto-ovo vegetarians: This is a most common type of vegetarian in which you can’t consume any kind of animal meat, fish & fowl. However you are almost free to consume diary & eggs products.

·        Lacto vegetarians: This type is near to similar lacto-ovo vegetarian here you can’t consume any kind of animal meat, fish, fowl & also eggs products. However can consume dairy products like milk, cheese & yogurt.

·        Ovo vegetarians: This type is all over conflict from Lacto vegetarian here you can’t consume any kind of animal meat, fish, fowl & diary. However can consume eggs products.

·        Pescetarian (Pescatarian): This type of vegetarian is about to abstaining of any kind of animal meat, steak, chicken & fowl. However can consume only fish and seafood. This is also called “semi-vegetarian” or “flexitarian” diet. In other words the pescetarian is not technically a vegetarian. Usually some people adopt this type for health reasons.

·         Pollotarian: This type of vegetarian is conflict from pescetarian (semi-vegetarian), abstaining of red meat or fish & seafood. However can consume meat to poultry and fowl only.

·        Flexitarian: This type gives you the flexibility in vegetarianism. This is not considered technically a “vegetarian” diet, this actually a consumption as primarily vegetarian diet but sometimes can have meat, fish & poultry. The people make limit to consume meat but they almost entirely depend upon vegetarian diets such as plant based diets.

o  Common types:

·      Semi-vegetarians: Plant foods with the occasional inclusion of meat.

·      Vegetarians: Practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat.

·      Vegans: Avoiding all animal and animal-derived products.

o  The pure vegetarian conclusions

To get the perfect and full benefits of vegetables and change in your body fitness and muscles and also many others output which will be realized in you after vegetarianism diet plan and adopting only vegetarian recipes you must keep in your daily life the foods beyond of red meat, poultry, seafood, insects, and the flesh of any other animal. If the actual vegetarian process be adopted that causes fitness, light weight in body, freshness on facial expression, minimizing cholesterol, fastness in activity, best digestive system, killing symptoms of diseases, brain wake up and other diseases problems like maintaining blood pressure and sugar. As vegetable is very necessary for healthy life therefore the vegetarian foods and recipes must followed in daily kitchen because the vegetables have everything like vitamins, proteins, carbons, carbohydrates, calcium and many other body requirements. Just manage your daily recipes with vegetarianism not 100% vegetarian but keep it necessary in your daily life.

 To become pure vegetarian must be follow all the tips and recipes in your daily kitchen and avoid all the circumstances that take far of healthy vegetables, tried to convey enough messages in this article for people who are fat and need low cholesterol. If really interested to become vegetarian then follow all the tips and enable yourself to lead a healthy life.


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